Monday, November 9, 2009

i think the implimentation of EPR is STUPID!!

i honestly think the implementation of epr is so so so stupid..the customers here don't even read what they're rating's just.....UNFAIR!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009


aku : abg mir, nape abg mir nk tukar kuantan asal tak dok sini jek?mahal ek minyak?

abg mir : a'ah mahal..

aku : berape?

abg mir : rm500 sebulan ulang-alik..

aku : fuyooh..mahal tuh.tapi abg mir dah pakai myvi tuh..patot dah jimat la minyak. berapa sen per
kilo meter?

abg mir : 10 sen per kilo meter

aku : owh..cmne nak kire ek bang? arituh abang sha dah ajar cara kire tapi sha lupe..abg ajar kan

abg mir : sha nak tau cmne kira berapa sen per kilo meter?

aku : a'ah..kalo seposen kete sha bleyh pegi berape kilo same jek viva nga myvi ek?

abg mir : kalo sha nak tau.....

aku : haaa...kire cmner?

abg mir : sha gi stesen minyak try isi seposen..pastuh jalan la..tgok berape kilo meter kete sha
bleyh pegi..

p/s : siot betol kene kan aku..satu ofis gelak kan aku..ceh!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

the real concept of impecfection

i hate my hair cut! i wanna change it.

U look just fine sayang.

NO! i hate it! And this stupid thing under my eye..i wanna have a surgery..

Don't be ridiculous. It looks nice..i like it that way. U're beautiful that way.

No i'm not.I hate it!

Sayang, do you know that sometimes the imperfection looks perfect cause it's different..That's what i see in you..Your flaws make you look more perfect to me..You're beautiful in your own way..Believe me..

I never believe in him. i've always thought that it's just some kind of excuses or things he says just to make me feel okay..until one day..he showed me this clip:

I cried watching that clip over and over again..Then i thought to myself,he may not be as romantic as I hope he is, but he sure does showed me the real thing. The real feelings i should be having and understand it. I like to quote the words that the lady in the videoclip said ;

"Ohh it you may find that these all very funny to you..But towards the end of his life, when his illness was at it's worse, these sounds indicated to me that my David was still alive..and what i wouldn't gave just to hear those sounds again before i the end, its these small things that you remember, little imperfections that made them perfect to you..

Those words..taught me..That i have a misconception about love & life all these while..Nothing is perfect in this world..But sometimes we are bound to thing like "Oh,i'm afraid to get married..Will i find the perfect match for my soulmate?".."I want my wedding to be perfect." ..."I want a perfect marriage." Sometimes we fail to remember that sometimes things just won't go the way we wanted it to be..that's why we have arguments, misunderstanding and fights in relationships..We always thought that love should be something that always beautiful, always make us feel happy..Love should be perfect....But the question is..if everyone is perfect..and their love is perfect..we might end up the same from each one of us,right?Now how would it make our relationship different from others? How do u get to drawn to ur soulmate when there's nothing unique to be remember of when he's gone..cause he's just the same like others...It would have made the relationship become so routine and boring..isn't it? Think about it..

Monday, July 13, 2009

salah pelanggan ke penjual yang bersikap menyakitkan hati?!!!

Situasi 1 : (Kedai Telekomunikasi)

Aku : "Topup digi rm10 ade?"

Penjual A tak jawap pown..Terus pi amek kad topup.Kasik..Aku hulur duit note RM50.

Penjual A : "Duit kecil tak de ke?"
(suara dengan nada separuh menjerit,muka bengang dan kening
Aku cuak..Heran pun ade.Tak boleh cakap elok-elok ke?

Aku : "Erm..tak de..sori."

Penjual bukak cash register, kasi duit balik dengan muka ketat..

Aku : "Terima kasih."

Penjual tak pandang aku pun..Sambung dengan khayalan dia..

*Nota : Bukan patutnya kau sebagai penjual kena sediakan duit kecil ke sebelum
bukak kedai..Kalau tak sempat nak pegi tukar pun, tak de bahasa lagi
elok ke nak guna? Salah ke kalau tanya macam ni e.g : "Alamak,duit kecil
terhad..cik dah tak de duit kecil lagi ke?" Dengan nada yang sesuai dan
pandangan yang sesuai..Kan banyak cara lagi nak tanya.Bukan main
gertak je.Mana pergi Rukun Negara ke-6 :kesopanan dan kesusilaan..tak
pun kempen yang kerajaan dok buat bebanyak :"budi bahasa,budaya kita"
apa jenis budaya yang aku nampak ni? Macam haram..layan aku macam
sampah.sampah pun kalau aku nampak, aku kutip bawak masuk lam tong
sampah..Hormat gak pe..Ish..kalau ikut hati dah pegi report ni kat
khidmat pelanggan..harap sabar lagi ni...

Situasi 2 : Kedai barang-barangan kecantikan /penjagaan badan
(tak silap aku la lupa daa)

Aku tengah berjalan-jalan mencari barang yang aku berhajat nak beli tiba-tiba.....

Pelanggan A : "Adik,adik, kejap..Nak tanya."
Aku : "Ya kak, ada apa?"
Pelanggan A : "Ni pelembab rambut ke?"
Aku : "Ya kak, pelembab rambut untuk penjagaan rapi."
Pelanggan A : "Apa beza dengan yang ini?"
Aku : "Oh, dia sama je kak, cuma yang ini untuk rambut yang rosak
hujung bercabang dan yang itu pulak untuk rambut orang yang
kepala dia banyak kelemumur." Sama je cuma untuk lain-lain jenis
treatment." (Senyum)
Pelanggan A : "Oh yang ni dik, macam mana pulak?"
Aku : "Oh yang tu, sama je cuma jenama je lain."
Pelanggan A : "Oh macam tuh.Terima kasih la dik,Akak tanya banyak
banyak,menyusahkan je.Akak cari pekerja dia, tak nampak batang
hidung pun. tu minta tolong adik tu. Terima kasih ya, maaf lah
ganggu adik nak cari barang-barang adik."
Aku : "Eh, tak de la kak, tak susah pun saya beritahu apa yang saya
tahu je."
(Dalam hati : Takpe kak, saya pun pernah kerja bahagian
customer service dulu, so saya tak kesah pun layan akak, akak
layak dapat layanan yang baik sebab akak pelanggan.Or at least,
that's why they say "Customer is always right." The right to
receive a good service, the right to get a good quality in
everything you buy.Or maybe that's just what I believe)

Situasi 3 : Kaunter
2 orang pelanggan sedang berbual tentang alatan make up. Mereka seperti ingin bertanya kepada penjual tapi..seperti biasa, penjual akan buat muka "BOSAN". Mereka berbual seketika.lalu..
Pelanggan B : "Nak tengok yang ni, tolong ambil kejap."

Penjual B mengambil barang yang diminta dan baru sahaja aku nak minta dia ambil barang yang aku nak tengok dia terus berlalu pergi. Oh rupa-rupanya disuatu sudut 2 orang rakannya menanti dengan kertas-kertas yang merujuk kepada rekod stok.Aku menunggu, aku tahu, aku pun pernah kerja macam ni, ku pikir pasti mereka ada nak berbincang, namun sangkaanku salah, mereka rupanya sedang bergosip, kertas-kertas itu hanya dibelek seolah-olah menunjukkan mereka sedang membuat kerja mereka.

Pelanggan B : "Erm." (Berpaling mencari-cari penjual B)
Terus penjual bergegas ke arahnya.
"Tolong ambil yang itu. Terima kasih."
Penjual tersenyum. Okay lah at least dia senyum tak macam yang
Aku : "Cik tolong ambil yang ini.Terima kasih."
Penjual kembali pada rakan-rakannya. Sambung bergosip.

*Nota : Time kerja la jugak nak bergosip kan..Kesian la pelanggan-pelanggan kena tipu.konon ingat korang tengah buat kerja..hmmm..apa dah jadi dengan "Customer comes first.." now i guess gossip comes first. *sighs* Mana la ajaran-ajaran pasal the rules pasal customer sevice..Ke diorang ni tak dilatih? Nak salahkan siapa? Pelanggan? Kalau Si penjual yang bersikap menyakitkan hati macammana??Bukan customer ke yang beli barang diorang dan hasil dari tuh gaji diorang datang?Diorang lupa ke diorang dibayar untuk apa? *Sighs* Patutlah aku macam malas nak kua pi beli kat Terengganu ni..Macam siot.Setiap kali keluar pasti ada je penjual yang cari pasal dengan aku.....Damn!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

100 hari jadi

2 minggu ni, aku rase hidup aku macam rutin yang same..membosankan..aku piker macam ala-ala citer 100 harijadi. Cume bezenye..aku tak bangun dari tidur dan melalui hari yang same tarikh...Aku melalui aktiviti-aktiviti yang same.Perkare yang aku buat tiap-tiap hari same jek..Cume yang berubah adalah hari dan tarikh..

Naseb baek lah aku tak dikejutkan dalam hari yang same, nati aku jadi macam sarah mencari-cari ape silapnye.dimane perkare yang nak diperbetulkan.Tapi...aku yakin..mungkin sebab tuh jugak sampai sekarang, aku tak dapat kerja lagi.Aku ade tugasan-tugasan yang aku tak selesai lagi..That's why tuhan tak nak lepaskan aku pi keje..I mean macam sarah tuh die stuck kat situ and learn to be a better person..Aku plak kene blaja jadi a better person dan berubah dengan sikap2 malas aku..

Konon nak buat tuh, buat neyh, tapi bile bagus malas..malas.malas..Macam malas tuh satu penyakit yang dah sebati dengan jiwa aku..Kosong..Tak berperasaan..Aku kate aku bosan dok kat umah tak dek keje..Padahal, kalo aku celik luas-luas, banyak jek keje yang aku tak setel2 kan..Logic tak, mama aku yang dah 30 tahun plus2 jadi seorang suri rumah tak pernah berhenti bekerja..which means sebenarnye.. banyak la keje yang aku kene buat kan?

Hahaha.Kelaka..At least, aku bleyh lagi berfikir..Baek untuk aku.Baek untok orang-orang sekeliling aku..Baeklah...Kalo macam tuh..Aku kene berubah.Aku harus berubah...Demi masa depan yang cerah.Supaya tak kejutkan dengan hari-hari yang bosan macam yang sarah lalui..Supaya aku evolve jadi someone better.Someone who appreciates life and those who are around me..Bukan jadi manusia yang hilang arah tuju..Hilang semangat nak berhidup hanya sebab, sume kawan-kawan aku dah start keje, aku jek yang masih melepak kat umah..Okay fine,so what kalo diorang dapat keje,rezeki aku mungkin kat tempat laen..tempat yang aku lagi suke..tapi in the mean time, sampai bile aku nak terjage dari tidur, tengok jam dan piker "Ah awal lagi..buat ape bangun, aku bukAN kerja pown, bukan ade orang nak panggel aku gi interview pown..Bukan ade email yang cakap aku dipanggel untuk pegi interview session pown.." Bukan neyh.bukan tuh..Hari maseh awal...Macam-macam alasan aku....Paling sedeyh aku siap piker.."Aku lebeyh rele bangun dari tidur and rase..."Malasnye nak bangun,malas nak pi keje." Dari piker "Malas nak bangun,bukan kene pi keje pown, bukan ade keje pown..tidow jek la..hari awal lagi.." Bile la aku nak maju..kalo 1/3 hari aku tidow, lagi 2/3 aku chatting,online bukak facebook, anta comment, tgok tibi,makan... Macam orang tak dek keje la pokok pangkalnye...padahal.banyak jek keje yang aku bleyh buat..

Tapi mungkin aku malas nak buat sume keje-keje tuh, sebab aku piker. income tak masok..buatpe nak buat..lantak lah..teroknye aku neyh...berlagak macam orang kaye...makan pakai pown tak jage...manusia ape aku neyh...hmmm..Hari neyh bakal menjadi hari yang baru..Hari permulaan untuk aku membina semangat aku balek..Membina segale ape yang buat aku jatuh,gusar,sedih,pilu,terkilan dan segale perasaan-perasaan negatif....Kadang-kadang..aku tak sedar ape yang ade kat depan aku..btol la cakap sorang kenalan neyh, "Kadang-kadang bende datang dalam segale bentuk tapi kite jek yang tak nampak atau bersikap membute kan diri." Betol..aku sokong tuh..Mungkin inilah masenye..aku praktik kan ape yang aku bace dan ape yang aku percaye..berusehe menglengkapkan diri ke arah manusia yang lebeyh baek dan menjadi lebeyh positif dalam pemikiran dan tindakan2 seharian....Keyakinan diri perlu ditingkatkan..Sehingga ape yang aku idamkan..bakal jadi poyo plak.hahaha.okay la..ape2 pown..chalo dlu..banyak mende aku dah piker neh..tunggu maser jek..mane nak mule dlu..huhuhuhu..go-go chaiyo shaema chan...aja-aja paiting..(wah aku fail korea..nk eje pown tak reti..) hahaha.correct me if i'm wrong....

what i want

Often people would ask some question like "What is it that you wanted so much in your life but it has never happen to you, at least not yet." well...i think i have too much to list down.but then as i'm thinking positive that somehow these best things would happen to i gladly answer, "There's so much things i wanted in life..." "I want a steady job that keeps me financially secure with all the bills and maintanence i made monthly..." "I want to buy my dream car.." "I cant wait to travel and explore the whole new world in front of me." "I want to but my own house where i can have my own privacy.." "And i want to live with my loved ones..I want to love and be loved..I want to appreciate what's in front of me...and spend my quality time with my family,friends and my loved one..." Is that too much to ask for?

But as crazy as it seems..It kind of answer the question of what i want in life....i never felt enough..that's the saddest part..I wanted something that make me feel proud of myself to own it..Okay..let me refine that..Maybe what i've always wanted is "satisfaction guarantee" In every single thing..i want a job that i love to do..i want the money that can buy all the things i want..i want the house that might not be as luxurious as someone else's but as cozy and comfortable as i wanted it to be..I want a car that i feel proud of when i drive it..and feel the power of changing the gears...or controlling the fast i wanna drive where i want to go....And i want to travel to places that gets me thinking....ahhh what a beautiful unique it was built..or something like that....To feel the love for someone who loves you back without any doubts of him betraying you in whatever circumstances and feel happy with it..and know that "that person" is whom i wanna be with, for the rest of my life..Sometimes i think i have been comparing my life so much to others which makes me feel more unsatisfied rather than trying to appreciate what i already have....which gets me to think that maybe..somehow, i need a rest from all of i saying too much things here...okay focus now...what do i wanna do in my life..or at least..what are the things i want to achieve in the next 10 years? Let me list that down...

1. Get a job that i love with a great salary that makes feel both happy and secure :)

2. Travel around the world

3. Get a masters degree!

4. Buy a house :)

5. Learn new things e.g : Other Language, Play an instrument

6. Be in a serious relationship and not be afraid of commitment.

7. Shopping! Shopping! Shopping!

8. Write a book for myself....

Fair enough that's what i think i want to achieve in the 10 long years....huhuhu....

Monday, July 6, 2009

suatu malam

Malam tuh, aku letih giler. Nak lepak pown malas. Tapi sebab dah janji punye pasal, aku pown lepak jugak lah. Tapi malam tuh hanya kami bertiga yang free, Azam, Sipi dan aku. Kami setuju untuk melepak kat sebuah restoran mamak yang dekat dengan area rumah kami..Sampai kat kedai mamak kami berborak la..Actually...ape yang kami borak pown aku dah lupe..neyh sebenarnye citer 6 bulan yang lalu..Tapi aku ingatlah insiden malam tuh...


Banyak bende yang kitaorang borak sampai jam dah tunjuk kol 2 pagi..Kami pown buat keputusan nak balek. Esok Azam kene bangun pagi.Maklum lah..lecturer kata kan..Aku nga sipi pown ade agenda kami sendiri..
"Jom lah balek dah lambat neyh.Aku dah ngantok giler tka leyh nak bukak mate dah neyh." Kata ku.
"Jom lah." Kata Azam. Sipi pown mengiakan sambel maseng-maseng bangun dari kerusi maseng-maseng.
Aku menuju ke sinki untuk membasuh tanganku yang terasa melekit dengan titisan-titisan nescafe yang jatuh dari gelasku semasa kitaorang dok syok lepak-lepak.sampai saja aku dikaunter Sipi dan Azam sudah pown bayar minuman diorang.
"Babe, kiteorang pi masok kete dulu ek." Kata Sip.
"Okay, korang pi la dulu, i nak bayar jap."

Setelah membuat bayaran dikaunter..aku melangkah laju mengejar mereka ke tempat parking...
"Aik bile maser plak Azam tukar parking kete kat sini..Neyh mesti time aku tak sedar neyh." Rungut hatiku. Aku dapati ade beberapa ekor mata yang melihat gerak-geri ku..Tapi aku tak ambil peduli..Lantak korang la..Aku nak balek...
Jap..Aku btol2 sure yang Azam park kete kat laen tadi..Tapi aku tak ingat kat mane..Ala..mampus la..diorang dah masok pown..Aku masok jek la kan.." fikirku..

"What the hell?" Aku terdengar suara seorang pelanggan dari restoran berkata. Dia sedang lepak dengan rakan-rakannya yang laen.Dan Mereka sedang memandang tepat kearah kami bertiga..Beberapa orang dari mereka kelihatan tersenyum-senyum..

"Azam sejak bile ko pakai handbag ni?" Ujar Sipi.
"Ala..tuh mesti kakak aku punye tuh." Sahut Zam penuh keyakinan.
"Oit korang..Budak-budak yang lepak kat depan tuh kawan korang ker?" Ujarku cemas kerana sejak dari tadi diperhatikan..
"TAk..i tak knal diorang pown.." Ujar Sipi.
"Kawan ko ek Azam?" Tanya ku lagi..Belum berpuas hati..
"Bukanlah.." Ujar Azam sambel memasukan kunci kereta dan cuba untuk menekan ignitionnya.
"Asal diorang tengok kite camtuh?" Kata ku..
"Azam are sure handbag ni memang ade kat sini tadi...." Ata-kata Sipi dijawab dengan..
"Owh no..this is not my car."Azam memberitahu..separuh seperti menjerit..
"WHAT???" Aku dan Sipi berkata...
Malunye tuhan saje yang tau..Kami bertige meluru keluar dari kereta itu..sambel Azam mengangkat tangan dan berkate.."Sorry bro..Salah kereta"
Rupe-rupenye orang yang dok lepak ramai2 depan kerete tuh adalah salah sorang dari tuan empunya kerete..Patotlah..aku memang SURE giler yang Azam park kerete die kat tempat laen tadi..Time kite orang nak blah tuh sempat dengar budak2 tuh gelak2 lagi..Malu giler kot..

Nota: Kadang-kadang kita perlu percaya pada instinct dan jangan terlalu ikot kawan.malu beb.malu...huhuhu.

baju dua lapis

Aku baru pulang dari misi mencari kerja yang tak henti-henti sejak 3 hari yang lalu. Penatnya rasa tuhan saja yang tahu.
"Assalamualaikum." Salam ku berikan selepas pintu rumah kubuka.
"Waalaikummussalam" Sahut kakakku yang leka dimeja makan..Menyiapkan makan malam barangkali.

"Yeay.Yeay.Aunty dah balik."
"Yeay.Yeay Aunty dah balik."
Haziq dan Safiah menyambut kepulanganku dengan sorakan. Safiah sambung bermain dengan alat-alat permainannya. Aku terus menuju ke bilik dengan langkah yang laju. Haziq mengekoriku dari belakang.

Haziq : "Aunty,aunty pegi mana tadi?"
Aunty Ema: "Aunty ada keje sikit tadi."
Mama : "Haziq, dah jangan kacau anuty, aunty penat tu."

Pintu bilik ku buka dengan harapan Haziq akan kembali menonton televisyen tanpa menghiraukan aku. Tanggapanku salah. dia masih setia dibelakang ku..Aku terus baring ditilam.Malasnya nak layan budak kecik ni.Haziq duduk disebelahku.Membelek-belek bajuku..

Haziq : "Nape aunty pakai baju 2 lapis aunty?"
Aunty Ema : "Saje je.."
Ketika itu aku memakai t-shirt yang muat-muat dengan potongan bentuk badanku..bersama vest yang kononnya trend budak-budak muda sekarang..

Haziq : "Baju ni kecik..tapi muat ngan aunty ek?" Ujar Haziq sambil memegang vestku..

Nota: budak-budak kecik kadang-kadang diorang sarcastic diorang tak sedar...tapi mereka cuma berkata benar..huhuhu

Friday, July 3, 2009


i haven't feel so bored as i am right now. I can't even go to sleep. It's 5.45 am for heaven's sake. It's been a while since i've been in terengganu.doing nothing but sleeping,eating,browsing the net and of course..waiting for the phone to ring for any interviews for the post i have applied through emails....

Some people tell me not to waste my time waiting for the "perfect" job to come. It's like it's never gonna come. With the percentage of jobless fresh graduate right now, i shouldn't be too choosy for any available jobs....the truth is....i think they're pretty darn right bout what they said....i don't wanna wait.but it's all i can do..i mean if i go to work with any available post they have right now, i'll be spending more money compared to when i sit and home and doing nothing..seriously...what kind of job would pay me for 2k and above which are in line with what i'm interested with and not what my certificate has...sometimes i think i am stupid....going to the courses which i have no interest at all. i should go into teaching.everybody says that..even now, they're paying lots of money for educators like teachers and's just that i think i'm not suitable for that type. i am just not the educator-kinda-type. i'm more like a person who likes to other've should have taken mascomm compared to TESL, rite? i know..but at that time, i was just trying to fulfill my dad's wish. i never regretted it. it was at least the last wish i have granted.i've planned to further my studies in mascom but you know what..i have financial problems..which means i need to find a job first before i further the i gave up on trying to get myself to get the place there because i think i have no money to pay for the fees..little that i know i can actually sign for a scholarship with the government under.....oh wait..i can't recall..but whatever..who cares..i'm just the unlucky person here.

It's kinda stressful when those people around you are pushing you to get a job when you still believed that you will wait and will get the job that you have dreamed's just that they have...time delay....i don't want to be overconfident here. i just don't want to repeat any other mistakes..i mean, let me wait..and be satisfied and not jump from one job to the other feeling stressful every single day..which in turn will affect me and what i wished for..let them say what they want...i need some quality time here in my hometown..i think it's better this way than waking up everyday realising that you're stuck in the same day and you have to go through the day over and over again..until u make things least, i'm not stucked in a space of time..or something....or maybe..this is time for again....:)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


i am extremely bored right now. i'm at home coz all my housemates are having their classes. i've tried to call tgv to book the ticket for the movie "they wait" but they've closed the reservation for the time i wanted to book. Damn it..i dont wanna risk goin there coz i'm afraid that i'll get stuck in traffic jam..Aiman calmed me down and say just wait patiently coz inkheart is in the cinema by 2moro..

Well i'm so sorry for having abandon u my dear diary....i've been busy..(yeay rite) well last saturday we went to kuantan....(kak nur,al, bunny,bobo,aje and i) We met our former lecturers there. We went shopping, hanging out and taking pictures..those pictures above there are the ones i managed to capture.....

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

kak nur,albita,moon and i went to midvalley today. we watched kilometre 31. a spanish movie. But the storyline was quite good eventhough i don't really like the ending but at least they deserve to be given some credits cause all the scary and terrifying actions thrilled us. As the story goes on there were some voices or shall i say noise we heard 2 rows behind us. I mean what the hell are you trying to do just shut up and watch the movie. They're not the only one who paid for the tickets we paid for ours too and we deserved to gain some satisfaction for it. Kalo ko nk bising2 sgt beli dvd pasang kt umah korang la..bising la dengan geng2 korang...Saiko dowh...even when the scenes are over they kept on imitating the humming and howling sound from the movie. So i kinda lost my concertration.. Damn it....

But i enjoyed myself as we (moon and i) got to eat ice-cream....we bought from gelato fruity.. (the same place i bought ice-cream when i was with sipi and dila) and the guy remembered me.... He even laugh and said 'hye gurl' and imitate my accent when i said ."i want strawberry ice-cream.." he said.. "here's your straawbeeeerrry ice-cream" well the words are said in sarcasm.....

Hmm...i don't really have much to said but thank god i have taken my car to perodua service and the car is a good condition now....;)

Monday, January 5, 2009


So many things to say that i don't know where to start. And i'm so sleepy so i think i better go to sleep now....

Things to remember....
~ Budget 2009!
Plan your expenses or cut all the unnecessary things...(damn..i've spend a
lot of money today!)
~ Baby Viva needs to be serviced
~ Work on chapter 2 for ae
~ Part time job???

p/s: new year in hometown sounds great but how am i going back?